Friday, August 08, 2008

Something New Please

I wonder if Mr. T watches the new show Burn Notice. If so, does it ever occur to him that this new show is nothing more than a remake of the A-Team minus his character? I PITY THE FOOL!

Oh, and sorry Dirk Benedict, but I think Gabrielle Anwar is playing your character. Isn’t this twice you have been recast as a woman (for all you non sci-fi geeks, Starbuck on Battlestar Gallactia was also cast as a woman in the remake)? Dirk, is Hollywood trying to tell you something?

Is it just me or does anyone else think that Hollywood has run out of new ideas. All the new shows seem to just be a remake of an old show. And if it is not a direct remake, like Battlestar, then the concept is the same as a successful show from the past. Is it really so hard to come up with a new idea or is it just safer to use a “winning” formula. That would certainly explain all the reality shows on TV.

I would like to say that I am looking forward to the new TV season – especially after there being no real new shows this year, but to be honest, I am pretty sure it will be the same old shows. OK – I realize that I am exaggerating a bit...I think Lost and Heroes were fresh new ideas. And look how they have done. Are you listening Hollywood? We are tired of the same old shows with the same old scripts. Come up with some new ideas.


Kris said...

Omg! I love Battlestar Galactica and yes although it is a remake on an old idea, I think its fantastic. But you are right, way too many shows are dust ups of old shows.

cosmopolgirl said...

Oh I so love lost and hero's. major addiction of mine amd it's probably because I've watched everything else already in some other format