Sunday, August 10, 2008

My Weekend So Far

1. The flight was oversold by 31 passengers. That's right - 31. How do you do that? Don't get me started on the need for a national airline.

2. Lunch at the grandparents was great as always. Needless to say, plenty of food.

3. Big dinner with the family including lobster and steamers from up north. Oh did I forget the chicken, ribs, shrimp with dinner as well. You will never go hungry in Norwood.

4. Now we are visiting the home of the Gorton's Fisherman. Mom would be proud as there is a large Portuguese community here.

More to come if I don't get her shorts wet again.

Update on the weekend:

5. The Rose's aunt has a great house right on the beach. I enjoyed staying there and the beach is fantastic. The weather could have been better, but Sunday was beautiful.

6. The golf course in Gloucester was very nice. A little short for me, but I enjoyed playing. The drinks at the 19th hole were very strong - always a sign of a great country club. Thanks to her uncle for the invite.

7. I might have made my best golf swing of the season on the 14th hole. I was making this swing about 30% of the time last year, but throughout this season it seemed to have vanished. Who knows, maybe it is back.

8. It was fun running around Rockport on Sunday in the rain. But I still don't understand why a lobster sandwich costs $22.00. I guess I should be thankful, it was $29.00 in Nantucket.

9. Of course it wouldn't be a trip without some airline issues. We sat on the plane for 2 hours waiting to take off. Some sort of broken part issue. So we got home very late instead of in time for a good night's sleep.

Overall it was a great trip. I enjoy traveling with The Rose. She has a great family, so it is easy to visit them. Next trip will be Key West in a few weeks.


Kris said...

How did you get her shorts wet the first time?

Anonymous said...

GORTONS Fisherman.....Had a great weekend..... Bill has now been to Cape Cod and Cape Ann this summer

Unknown said...

Well, hopefully they weren't white shorts...

I still don't get understand why they EVER oversell a flight. If they give refunds or credits for no-shows, they still shouldn't release those seats until a certain point and then if that original ticket holder shows up, then tough.

cosmopolgirl said...

Shorts wet huh?? Ya know that just went totally x rated for me, can't help it!!

Anyways i'm so glad things are going so well with you and the rose. You so desearve the happiness!!