Friday, May 06, 2005

I'm Baaaaaaack!

I realized today that I have not posted anything all week. I think this is the longest I have gone between posts since I started this site earlier this year. To be honest, I have hardly even read any blogs this week. I would like to have some intricate story explaining my absence, but the truth is I don't. I have been busy and really have not had much to say.

This is supposed to be my week off between jobs. Did I go anywhere? No. Did I do anything special? No. Did I go on a road trip? No. I have been at home mainly, trying to prepare for my new job. I had applications to fill out, faxes to fax and cups to pee in.

My new company's new hire process is very thorough. They do an extensive background check as well as drug screen everyone. Are you thinking I am working for some super secret government agency, best way to find a Bond girl is to become Bond, right? Well I hate to disappoint you all, but I am just working for one of the wireless companies in the know them. Nothing secret, nothing dangerous, nothing that will get me access to some really cool gadgets, like a watch with a laser built in or rocket launching cars. Nope, just selling some basic applications to some people who buy cell phones.

I wish the hiring process would go smoother though. They sent me to the wrong place for my drug screening, so I sat in a waiting room, waiting to pee, for 45 minutes so the lady could tell me I was in the wrong place. She sent me to another location so I could wait another 45 minutes before they would let me fill my cup. Lots of fun.

I have not heard anything from the company that wanted me to move to LA yet. I pretty much decided after the interview that I wasn't going to move to LA for THAT job. They had a position in NJ so I told them I would be willing to move there. The hiring manager was out of the country this week. With my luck they will call next week and say they want me to move to NJ. Then what do I do? First week on a job and you quit? The money is better, but I will probably not take it being they took so long to call me back. It seems I am popular now that I have a job. I have gotten three other calls this week and a few emails as well. Some of them I dismissed right away, but where were these people 7 months ago when I was looking for work. You can never find a job when you need one.

So that is all that is going on, other than a computer is driving me crazy at home. I built one from scratch and can't get it to run...yet. It has been very frustrating.

I will be reading some blogs this weekend and trying to catch up. Thanks for all your nice words on my last post.

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