Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Ten Random Facts About Me

I was out cruising my favorite blog spots this afternoon just randomly reading posts and comments. This is how I come up with new ideas for my site as I have no real creative abilities. I ran across muddy sneakers place. As I perused her site, I noticed that she has a link to a secondary page that consist of 100 things about her.

As I read it, I thought, this is a great idea. We should make everyone carry around a list like this. That way when we meet someone new, we could just exchange lists and decide if we want to go through the trouble of getting to know each other. The problem is that most of us could not come up with a comprehensive list without putting in some serious thought and who wants to do that. I decided the easiest way to get this done was to break it down. So I have put together the first ten random facts about me. Once I reach 100 I will build my own page displaying them all.

So here are the first ten:

1. I was in the Navy for 6 years and never even saw a boat up close.
2. I know most guys want to learn to play the guitar, but I have always wanted to learn to play the saxophone.
3. I can bowl with both my right and left hands and have carried a 200 average using both of them.
4. I am a second generation Trekkie. I have seen every Star Trek episode in every reincarnation of the series. This is my dad's fault. Go ahead, quiz me.
5. I want to move and work in Europe some day. I would go tomorrow if I could. Anyone know who's hiring over there?
6. I am one of the less than 1% of the population that has negative buoyancy. This means I sink, I do not float, ever. This is a good thing if you are a diver, but pray you never find yourself in the middle of the ocean without a life jacket.
7. I once made the 8 ball on the break two racks in a row against a guy when we were playing for $100. He was pissed.
8. I like to make my tuna fish with plain yogurt instead of mayonnaise. I hate mayonnaise and it taste like tuna either way.
9. I can not stand to go camping. Don't even ask.
10. I am pretty sure I met my soul mate at the dry cleaners and did not realize it.

Things are so much easier when you break them down. More to follow in the coming days.


MyMellowMe said...

This was a very good idea. I am not a Trekkie, but I am obesessed with Jon Luke Pickard (I think that's how you spell it). Just something about him....I even have a doll of him. It's like barbie, but instead it's Jon Luke Pickard.
Never heard about yogurt in tuna, does it taste good?

thtgrl said...

Muddy sneakers has a hell of a list. I saw it a while back and thought "hell no", little did I know...

I think your list will be impressive once it's finished, the first 10 sure are!

Blue944 said...

You would probably not even know the difference. Try adding a little mustard as well.

I think it is actually spelled Jean-Luc Picard. See what happens when are forced to watch Star Trek every day as a child. My dad has the "dolls" of every character and any other kind of memorabilia you can think of. It is actually kind of scary. He makes me seem really normal.

Blue944 said...

Her list was inspired me. I wrote you, Martini and Bran a note here as well...

MyMellowMe said...

I thought I might have spelled it wrong. I shoulda' looked on the box. My dad collects ALL and ANY Elvis memorabilia. My name could have been Elvis. OH No!

Martini Love said...

Good start to your list!! But #10 makes me wonder if I have met mine somewhere and not known it? Oh, well I am a dork and think if you are supposed to be together one day you will,something will make it happen, maybe go back to that dry cleaners?? Might work??

Anonymous said...

10 Ten lists are cool, I think I might do one today, I havent done one in a bit!

It is never too late, Call about Sax lessons, CPW and Little Bit both have all the musical talent (CPW to like the 10 hundreth billion power) but I thing I am going to try to find a Voice and Piano teacher (save some $$ if it is a combo) so I can be more like Tori or Etta or maybe just a cooler version of me

Anonymous said...


Feeling like a super star I dont even need a guitar!

Martini Love said...

You rock thanks for adding me to you top ten list.. I think I may cry!!


thtgrl said...

Top 10?? Wow! THANKS!Lucky for you, "Blue" starts with a "B" and your in the top of MY list too! (I have it alphabetical, you know)

KelBel said...

I think if I had a top 10 list that might be it. I mean, I don't know how many things about me I could even think of...but probably not 100:) I saw that I'm at the top of the top 10 list (yeah, I know the reason is because it's in alphabetical order) but I think that's awesome. I love all my blog buddies! And I thought I'd never get anyone to read mine;)

Larry Jones said...

Don't do it, man. Don't finish the list. Keep your aura of mystery.

Caroline said...

Love the to read!