I am starting to feel the effects of this working out crap…OK, I know it is only the first week, but things are starting to happen. Oh, not the good things like felling better about myself, having more confidence (not sure I need more of that), looking better…no none of that…along with the sore muscles, I am now starting to have more energy. Now, I know that sounds great, but it really isn’t. Am I getting an energy boost at night – no just tired…how about during the day - no just bored. My energy boost comes in the morning, when I should be ficking sleeping. This morning I woke up a good 40 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off. Now this is not that unusual as I almost always wake up before my alarm goes off. I have some weird ass internal clock that always sees fit to wake me up 10 minutes before I need to get up just to piss me off.
Not this morning – a full 40 minutes before hand. Now that would not have been so bad, except I actually got up. I would normally just lie in bed until my alarm went off, I hit the snooze, wait for my alarm to go off again, hit the snooze…you get the picture. This morning for some reason I felt the urge to get up. I have no idea why and all it did was throw my entire morning routine into a complete shambles. You see I am not the let’s sit around and read the paper kinda guy. The let’s play with the kids – no kids – or walk the dog – no dog – kinda guy. I don't like sitting around in my ready clothes. I like to get up, shower, dress and get the fick out of the house. This morning I did not know what to do with myself…I tried reading a few blogs, making a comment or two, checking my email…but then I had nothing. I need to get myself a girl to fill gaps in my life like this. But alas no lady, so I said fick it and I got in the shower and started my day. Now I am at work 30 minutes early and my entire day is out of kilter.
I don’t know who decided this exercise crap was good for you but I would like to beat the fick out of them. Next week I think I will start working out in the mornings, that should kill the morning energy boost.
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