Saturday, March 12, 2005

The Future Mrs. Blue944

I didn't get to post much yesterday, but I wanted to tell you guys about an online test I took. I was looking at one of the online dating services a few weeks and they had a test to see what type of woman you are attracted to. They have since removed this test from the website. I think it was depressing to many of their subscribers. Now, this is not a personality test, this is strictly a physical attraction test. I also took their personality test, but those results are not that interesting, mainly because I don't understand them.

This test actually took a while to take. They show you pictures of faces and ask you which you like better. They show you girls with long hair, short hair, round faces, oval faces, blondes, brunettes, redheads, white girls, tan girls and black girls. Then they start with the body types. They show you bodies with hourglass shapes, the "somebody feed her" shape and the curvy shape. All total it took about an hour to go through it. If I had known that to begin with, I don't think I would have bothered.

Afterwards they send you a report of your results. They also ask you to go back to the site and go through a second set of questions. This time they tell you what you like and ask if they are right or not. I guess this is to help validate the logic in their test.

Here is what the test told me. It said I was extremely picky. I am only attracted to extremely beautiful women. That less than 2% of the female population have the physical features that I am attracted to. I am not sure how they know this and I hope they are wrong. And that less than 3% of the men in the world think as I do on this topic - most men are not as picky and find about 25% of the female population attractive. This does not sound good. Nothing like limiting your options.

It gets worse once they start factoring in the age range of the woman I would be dating. Men my age usually find about 40% of the female population attractive. I guess as we get older we lower our standards somewhat. Not me. My standards are still very high. Problem is the percentage of women in my age bracket that I would find attractive turns out to be less than 1% of the population. This is exactly what you want to hear when you are re-entering the dating scene.

They did say that I tended to find exotic woman attractive and that I should consider moving to the Mediterranean. This actually sounded like a good idea to me. Not for the women, just because I think I would love to live there. The women would just be a nice bonus.

Basically, what I learned through this test is that I am only attracted to beautiful women. Not that this was a big surprise, I could have told them this before I took the test. I don't think I am as picky as they say, but pretty close. I guess that means if I tell you that you are beautiful, you can believe it. Unfortunately, beautiful is not nearly enough for me. I still want a woman who is funny, intelligent, caring, understanding, open, sexy, independent, financially stable (you know - has a job), likes to travel and hates camping. Does anyone know if Wonder Woman is single?

Basically, this is what I learned:

If I am attracted to a woman, then she is WAY out of my league. Anyone know a really beautiful girl who is looking to trade down?

To quote Bill Murray - "So I got that going for me."

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