I have been neglecting my site for a few days. I apologize to the four of you that read it on a regular basis. I have actually had work to do and I have been trying to help a few of my fellow bloggers update their sites. I also created another site, since, you know, I have so much time on my hands. I posted my first comments over there today as well. Go there and let me know what you think…
I spent last night trying to figure out how to edit some video footage for my sister. She is an actress and needs to send in a DVD with some of her work as part of an audition for a new part. Now don’t get excited, she is not taking me to the Oscars or anything. Although, if she is ever invited to the Oscars, she had better take me as I am the one who takes her headshots, does all of her video work and have even taken her to an audition or two. I am sure she will want to take her husband, like he does anything for her.
She always comes to me when she needs something done on the computer – video or stills. Now it is not that I am some sort of computer genius, but in my family, I am. The problem is that she needs the disc delivered by Monday so I need to get it done by Saturday to overnight it to them. Not much time for me to experiment and come up with a good looking product. Especially since she is shooting some of the footage that needs to be on the disc as I type. I may need to upgrade my PC as I do not have a way to capture video from the camera directly to my PC (need a video capture card). Right now I am running the camera into a DVD creator (like a VCR) and then importing that DVD file onto my PC so I can edit it. I am also a little pissed off because the software that came with my DVD burner – Roxio – sucks. It does not support some AVI files and I found out last night that it does not support the audio format from the video camera. Getting this done by Saturday seems harder and harder. Anyway, I need to finish my work so I can go home and help her become a star so she can forget me when she is famous. I promise to write something more interesting next time.
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