Monday, February 21, 2005

Damn Ghetto Living

I haven't posted anything in a few days. I have not felt very creative. I have been focusing on getting some stuff done. Not to mention the fact that I have been really pissed off at the home owners association where I live. They decided recently that the street I live on and the one next to me needed to be no parking all the time. So now, no one can park on the street at all. This is especially troublesome to me as I live with some family members and between us, we have to many cars (5) to park in the driveway and garage. We are probably the reason why they decided to make the street no parking. It is not like the cars are dead and just sitting there...ok one is. But that on is already in the driveway. I know we are beginning to sound more and more like white trash, but what do you expect in the ghetto.

I guess they don't understand that the garage is not for made for cars in this day and age. It is a storage space. They don't even make 2 car garages big enough for two cars as it is. Let alone 2 cars and any stuff...where will I put my lawn mower and my back issues of Playboy. Come on, a man's garage is his, well, garage and should not be cluttered up with things like cars.

They tell me that since I live on a private road, they have the right to decide that it should be no parking. The bad part is that I think it is only the president of the board who wants this. I am not sure what we have as a recourse, but I am considering parking on his lawn. At least my car will be off the street.

I just hate it when people abuse the power given them. Somehow this guy was elected president of the HOA...probably because no one ran against him. I think if we knew he was going to be such a butt munch, we might have had elected someone else...not me mind you cause that would be to much of a hassle. I am not sure what the president does, but just the sheer fact that they have to hold a meeting once a month would be to much trouble for me. It is amazing how indifferent we are to these things until they bite us in the ass. Kind of the same way we treat presidential elections in this country. My total indifference now means I have to park three blocks from my house...well, I guess I can use the exercise.


Anonymous said...

My PA (Property Assocation) decided that we can only use BLACK trash bags and we are not allowed to back into parking spaces. I really think these people just get bored and think up stuff to make rules about.

Martini Love said...

I always get worried about when I decide to buy a house because I hear these stories about HOA.. they are pure EVIL!